
October 8: We Heart Mondays Event


On the 23rd October, myself and my friend Alicia, (underbeautyssurface) went to the We Heart Mondays event in London, Hackney Wick. Can I just say that it took us sooooo long to get there. Every single train we got on, there was a delay, so a journey which should have taken about an hour and something all in all, took about 2 and a half hours! it was the longest thing ever so when we got there we didn’t really have a lot of time, but we still meet some lovely people and met some great brands.

The venue was stunning. Inside it was all white and they had these massive white balloons, that had leaves running down the ribbon and they were gorgeous. All of the tables and chairs were white which I thought was so very sophisticated. They even had a little desk for people to bring their laptops in case they wanted to do any work.

This picture below is the aftermath of a bloggers event everybody..



At the event there was a couple of different brands there, mostly food based. I am really into my healthy food so I liked all of the different brands there although, it would have been nice if there were more of a variety of different brands. I was glad to see Bounce and Perkier there, as i sometimes buy from these brands. It was nice to discover new brands.


This brand, Bio-tiful had amazing smoothies! They had a great variety, my favourite was the Cherry Morello one. Perfect if you love a smoothie bowl. Also, can we discuss how cute those straws are?!


One of my favourite brands for protein bars AKA balls, Bounce. I sometimes eat these before I go to the gym, I really like the whole idea of these. Also this picture pleases me so much. I really like this brand, my boyfriend eats them aswell as they are great for protein. They have some delicious flavours, I am sure you would have seen them in the shops.


When we went over to this brand, Perkier, I met two of the most loveliest ladies ever. They were so friendly and really kind. This is also a brand that I have purchased from before and I love their bars. They are so filling and really healthy. I like all of the different flavours they have and all the different colours. This brand in general pleases me a lot. How cute are those badges?!





This is a brand called Lucy’s dressing, I have never heard of before. I really liked the idea of this brand, you don’t really see a lot of brands like this. Something that I really liked about this brand was the variety of different dressings and the idea that you can use these dressings for pretty much anything. They did a raspberry salad dressing which at first I thought was strange, but then I tried it and I loved it. My favourite dressing was the Great Golden one. if you are in to this sort of stuff then I would 100% recommend checking them out, they will make salads a lot more enjoyable.


This brand is a called Pink Parcel, and each month they provide people with a subscription box. They send you some makeup bits and some things that you might during your time of the month. I really like this idea of getting stuff for your time of the month and also makeup, so during your time of the month when you might be feeling abit shitty you also get some new makeup bits to cheer you up.


I am really into my baking so when I saw this stand, I was like yesss cakes!!! the cakes were really well presented and there was a range of colours and flavours. I love the name, Cupcakes and Shhht – such a cool name.




I had a peanut butter cupcakes and it was good. I really liked how big the cupcakes were and there was a decent amount of icing on it.



This brand Coyo had some lovely yoghurts, they really are something that would catch my eye in the supermarket. I really enjoyed these, they were different to any other yoghurt I have tried before. They were made from coconut milk because they were dairy free, so whatever flavour you had you could taste the coconut too. They had a lot of different flavours, I tried the Morello Cherry and the Salted Caramel ones.


This vanilla cupcake milkshake drink was made from Cupcakes and Shhht and they were so cool. The milkshake was made from ice-cream which I much prefer rather than just milk. This was a lovely touch to the night, as you could drink/eat and enjoy the night while socialising.


This is what I wore to the event. I was going to be travelling all day so I wanted to wear something comfy. I wore my mustard cropped jumper from Primark, my ripped jeans from Primark, my jean jacket from New Look and my Nike shoes from JD.

From going around to all of the different brands, they were lovely enough to give me some goodies to take home. The pictures below are all what I got from the event.



Thank you so much to We Heart Mondays for hosting an awesome event and thank you to the brands for being so lovely and generous.

Sophia xo

Are you all caught up with my other posts?-

October 7: skincare for colder months- 

October 6: Halloween Bake in a Box-


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12 responses to “October 8: We Heart Mondays Event”

  1. aayton95 Avatar

    Great post girl girl, I’m pissing myself at the emphasis on how long the journey was! Such a great event though, really loved the space too bad we were two hours late haha xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. sophiaaaxo Avatar

      Thank you babes! yes omg haha, it was soooo long!!! it needed t be emphasised. I know, we were so late!!! but was still a great event though xx


  2. […] October 8: We Heart Mondays Event […]

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  3. theconfessionsofanonlineshopaholic Avatar

    This event looked amazing! Sampling food and drinks all night sounds like a dream haha! The Pink Parcel looks really good as well. Glad you had a good time even though the journey was really long!

    Jenny x


    1. sophiaaaxo Avatar

      Sorry I just checked my spam comments and your comment was sent straight to my spam which is annoying. So sorry for the late reply!

      iT WAS A GREAT EVENT! yes exactly, tell me about it. I had a great time thank you, omg yes 😦 it was a nightmare! have you been to any events?



      1. theconfessionsofanonlineshopaholic Avatar

        Aww no worries! I always forget to check my spam box too haha!

        Aww I’m glad it was ☺️ I’ve been to an opening of a new bar in my region, but not any official blogger ones yet, as I’m still scared about the idea haha! Maybe I’ll force myself to one this year 😂xx


  4. […] October 8: We Heart Mondays Event […]

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  5. Sophie Avatar

    I’m so upset that I missed this event! It looked so fun – those cakes look delicious!

    Sophie xx // One Unique

    Liked by 1 person

    1. sophiaaaxo Avatar

      It was such a good event! hopefully you can go to the next one they host x


  6. Chloe 👠🗽✈️ (@imjustagirl_16) Avatar

    Ah it’s so annoying that you were late due to the annoying trains but I’m glad you enjoyed it nevertheless. It looks and sounds like such a fun event and I’ve heard lots of great things about We Heart Mondays! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. sophiaaaxo Avatar

      Omg yes, so annoying. But we really wanted to go, so might aswell be late right? haha. It was really good and aw I’m glad! xx


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